Tuesday 28 January 2014

Our mini NGO

Posted by Rebecca at 01:49
This week in school is our awareness raising week for our topic "Educating Girls".  Each morning in the announcements there will be a fact read out about educating girls. This mornings fact was 
"60 million girls are out of education at the moment."
We take for granted that we get education for free and so many girls around the world are illiterate and refused their right to education. To raise awareness we had to create posters to put up around the school to get people thinking.

Our awareness raising action was to hold a screening of girl rising showing one chosen story from the film. We each gave 50 cent to buy popcorn to give to the first years attending the showing we decided to show the story of Amina from Pakistan. Here is the trailer ..

These are the heartfelt stories of girls fighting for their education around the world. If you have the opportunity to watch the movie I would recommend it. Another project we are doing as part of our mini NGO is "Walking to school",  they created a video of the girls walking to school, here's the video.

This inspired us so much we are going to make our own version of walking to school and happy dancing...

Let me know what your thought are from watching the videos or if you have seen the movie comment below :)


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